Play Material ─ Mix and Match has brought a new fun
To play the theme ─ Toys can become exquisite stationery
Play color ─ Product has a new vision
Play design ─ Design the gift in accordance with enterprises images
Play integration ─ Opportunities for different products to match with
Play services ─ The tight service chain from originality to delivery
Play a unique ─ Unique hands craft leather products for VIP
SBK 3rd Anniversary Product Exhibition
We invite you to play “Fun” with us!
Date: May 25th, 2007(Friday)
Exhibition time: PM: 2:00 ~ 9:00
Location: 4th floor in 101 Building, PageOne bookstore cafe shop (the end of the left aisle of the entrance)
Exhibition duration: May 26th ~ June 25th, 2007
Exhibition time: AM: 10:00 ~~ PM: 9:00
Location: 4th floor in 101 Building, PageOne bookstore
Contact number: 886-2-2759-4088 ext 100
[...] 2007-05-08